When I awoke it was raining with no chance of the sun coming out. However, at the very end of the day the sun came out and gave us a beautiful rainbow and the following are a series of photos taken.
During the middle of the day, the rain stopped but the clouds did not disappear and that afternoon, it rained and thundered and the wind blew. There were even tiny hail that hit the bedroom windows.

Look closely and about an inch over to the right it appears to trying to form another rainbow. Making a double.

This was a wonderful site after the heavy rain and cloudy day. As for me, I am still not wearing shoes. I tried flip flops and they do fairly well, but I am on guard to keep anything from messing with that toe. Also, with the cool weather, it is really too early to wear flip flops comfortably. Today I have on sockies and red feather booties.
Prince has come home early to work on the farm because the weather folks say we will only have one good day to accomplish things on the outside as it is scheduled to rain again on Sunday.
My BIL and Cousin have taken on my taxi duties this week and I am very thankful that I did not have to try and drive anywhere. Wonder if I could have used my left foot instead of my right hind paw.
I am glad I did not get Prince to put my little lemon and orange tree on the porch because it was 33 degrees this morning. The sun is shining brightly but it is a deceitful sun as the wind can chill y'all through and through.
The kitty justice is that a rainbow can give you an uplifting feeling and put a smile on your face and hope in your heart when they appear.


Merle said…
Dear Dianne ~~ Your poor toe - those
diggers are so heavy. I hope it will soon feel much better. Great photos of buildings and memorials in the last post. Nice to have your sister to visit with you. And the cake for Ed looked yummy - well done. Mimi looks so well in the photo.
Thank you for all your comments and I am glad you enjoy the jokes. I am relieved my heart is OK, but lungs are a problem too. Thanks for the one that Peter put on for me. John arrived home on the 16th after 14 hours on the motor bike and tried to ring me to tell me he was home and that's when we found the phone had been disconnected.
So he came up at 10.30 pm to see if I was OK. It took 2 days for the phone to get back on and then
another 7 days to get the internet back. I was so frustrated. All is OK now. Take care dear friend,
Love Merle. Peace to you too.
Oh my, I do love rainbows and your pictures are beautiful. Rainbows just make me feel so happy---specially when I'm not. MB
Lee said…
Did you go in search of the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow, Lady Di?

Lovely pics! Thanks for sharing. :)
Lady Di Tn said…
The toe is not as swollen but still very tender. I tried wearing boots Saturday and wore them too long and it made the toe a very unhappy digit. Flip flops are all I can wear and some days it is too cold to go without socks. Glad your back on line and John safely home. Peace

Well I am glad I shared the happy with you. Peace

It was way over at nine mile hill(thus named as it is exactly nine miles from that spot to downtown)so with a sore toe I could not make it. Peace

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