Prince took this photo this morning while I was still curled up asleep. 
The kitty justice is if you stay in bed too long you miss the best part of the day. 


Gorgeous... We don't get up early enough to see the sunrise much --and can't see it from our house anyhow, but we did get a great picture of the sunset last night... (See my blog today--if you haven't seen it yet.)

Have a great weekend.
Lee said…
Beautiful, Lady Di. I can't see the sunrise here...well...I can, but not over the horizon like that. I love watching the sun rise.
Lady Di Tn said…
We are very fortunate to be up on this hill to see the sun rise and we can go to the corner of our porch and see a sun set. Peace

G'da Nice to see y'all. I love to have coffee and just watch the world wake up. Peace

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