Cloudy inside Out

I am doing this post from my I Pad while laying down watching the Speed channel. It happen again Wednesday while home alone and all soaped up in the shower. Yep, another HORRIBLE crippling pain.  I made it out but the rest of the day was downhill . That night at 5 p m, I got the doctor orders in the mail to go to therapy. Thursday is a painful blur. Friday morning I call Nurse Ratchet and ask to see the doctor. She wanted to know if I had started therapy. I responded that  I could not walk so how was I to do therapy. NR told me that if I saw him well he would just tell me to do therapy.  Reluctantly, she made an appointment for Tuesday. I then spent the rest of the trying to get an insurance okay to go to Star Therapy. All the people at Star made up for Nurse Ratchet attitude. Puppy drove me and even went up to check the direct route to Star. When I tried to sleep, Friday night well there was no rest in any position. I am doing  the one exercise  that the  therapist said to do.
. The kitty justice is now I cannot sit without PAIN.


Lee said…
Oh! Dear! I'm so sorry to hear this, Lady Di....what can I say, other than please take it easy; and get back up on your feet, pain-free, very soon. Hugs.
Jackie said…
Nurse Ratchet sounds "Cuckoo" to me...
I do hope that your pain will ease and completely go away, my friend.
Saying a prayer for you tonight.
Lady Di Tn said…
If will power will get me there, I have a chance. Thanks for your wishes. Peace

I appreciate all the prayers that I get. Maybe in time I can enjoy the normal everyday movements without pain. NR probably had heard more than her share of complaint or else the poor dear is in the wrong professions. Peace
Oh so sorry that you are in pain...Hope that the therapy, though tough, might help.
Lady Di Tn said…
Either help or make it worse. Hope for the first. Peace
DUTA said…
Perhaps you should try some alternative medicine practices. In our place, conventional physioteraphy is quite dissappointing. They hardly touch you; they just put you to varios machines or devices.

Feel better soon!
Oh my dear I am so sad for you. Pain is a b*&%h. And I went through therapy with my knee and I cried it hurt but the end results are better. MB
Jackie said…
Checking back in to see how you are feeling.
Continuing to pray for you...
Lady Di Tn said…
I hope my end results are better too. Peace
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks. The therapist told me yesterday that I was taking baby steps in the right direction. Peace
Jackie said…
I am so glad to read that your steps are in the right direction. Baby steps are steps!
I pray for pain-free days for you, my sweet friend.
Lee said…
The lack of a new post makes me believe you're still suffering from that damn back, Lady Di.

But, on the other hand, of course, the more you rest it, the sooner you will be back on deck. So I take it that you are resting...and I hope you grace us with your good presence again very soon. Cheers and hugs from me. :)
Lady Di Tn said…
After my doctor visit, PT was cancelled. I start a series of three spinal injections in a week. Thanks for keeping the first wireless going. Peace

Lee thanks for checking in and please refer to my response to Jackie. I am so use to typing that it is hard to hunt and peck on the I Pad. But I am thrilled to have it or I would not be connected to yawl at all because when I sit the pain is worse and it is not long until it travels down the legs. Peace
Oh Lady Di I have read you latest. I hope the injections work---please be pain free. Rest rest rest!!! MB

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