Artwork at the Mansion

 Right beside the young lady who welcomed us to The Conservation Hall was one of my favorite works of art. I have followed each work with the Tag giving the information of each work. Sorry I had to lean over (not good for the back) and take the first photo of the tag. It is a little blurry but you can still read all the information. 

 All of the above were in the hallway before we ventured down the steps into the main hall. 
The Kitty Justice is there happens to be more art work to be shown. 


Jackie said…
Kitty...I love Sleeping Stone.
Do you have any information on it other than what is posted underneath its photo. That is a beautiful stone, to me....
Lady Di Tn said…
I am sorry I do not have more information Jackie. You might google the artist name. Not bad for a TN rock. My little brother is in ICU so please add Sam to your prayers. Peace
I think you must truly be an artist to enjoy art.

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