Nashville and Other Things Today

 I have live in Nashville since the late sixties  and worked downtown the first 22 years in the tallest building on the left middle of the photo. Even since this photo was made there are more and more tall buildings been built or being built.  

I remember when there was only one tall building, The L&C Tower. I watched the National Life(Now the Tennessee Tower) building being built, My buddies and I would take our lunch break out on the Legessaltive Plaza by the water pools. We would sometimes walk to the Arcade and buy popcorn to munch on our way back to work. On Church Street there were great department stores, Castner-Knott, Cain Sloan or Harveys, to spent time shopping or just window shopping. I would have a fortune if I had gotten paid for each step I made downtown. 

There was Acme Feed Store on Broadway where ALL THE HONK TONKS are now. Now there are hordes of people roaming the streets and the noise (Very Loud) is coming from each Honk Tonk. To this true native of this beautiful state I feel we are being RAPED by outsider coming here to make a buck. To me this is worse than what happen after the Civil War. 

Our beautiful friendly city is being ruined by old houses being torn down and replaced by Tall Skinny homes. You know straight up cracker boxes. Builder come in and the neighborhoods look all the same with no true soul. We went downtown a few weeks ago and Margie rode with us. The noise was so loud she moved from the open window to the middle of the back seat of the truck. I myself was appalled at all the new buildings. Nashville has been sold out by the Democratic leaders. 

Our Republican Govenor just did a come to Tennessee advertisement add and did not honor Pandemic measures put in place. Since I am a diabetic I have gone only maybe one place a month and it was a had too case. So I have stayed home and now we are open for business. Feel like I have sacrifice my time and stayed home while others keep ignoring the virus. So if I go out now, and get the virus, all those months at home are void. 

But going back to Nashville. When I first came here I would walk to and from school at night. With all the useless murder and muggings now I would never ever walk such distances at night. Now when you turn on the news in the mornings, you get to count how many people were murdered the day before. We now have people killing other people because they did not drive the way the killer thought they should. Hey People YOU ARE NOT A PERFECT DRIVER BECAUSE THERE IS NOT SUCH A PERSON.  

Now we have all the move ins crying Gun control. Idiots we have more laws on the books that are not being used so why create another one. AGAIN A GUN CANNOT KILL ANYTHING WITHOUT A PERSON PULLING THE TRIGGER. Therefore, we need people control. 

And yes I think anyone who leaves a Gun in a vehicle is an Idiot.  

Today I can not walk a trail alone or speak to a stranger because they are not from here. No matter the word, some Idiot may be offended. This society gets worse everyday. Now it is Looney Tunes and Dr. Suess books. These whiner need to Get Over It and use their time for a better cause. How about doing an act of kindness. 

Blacks todday were never slaves and whites today were never slave owners. If History Offends you, then you are a Racist of History. It happen get over it. 

The Kitty Justice is I may be what they call a Dinasaur but I am so happy I got to live in the old times. 


Me too Kitty Justice.
DUTA said…
Good to hear from you!
I know what you mean as we have almost the same problems.'Urban renewal' it's called here, and involves demolition of old and building of high, tower like buildings. Things look ugly wherever you go, violence is a daily matter.The pandemic is still here, and only God knows what awaits us.
Best wishes to you!
Lady Di Tn said…
We mature ladies must stick together. Peace and Hope

Sorry to hear about your Urban renewal. I was in my late twenties before I heard about the first child aduction and murders and it was a real oddity. Now the latter is daily. We were told to stay home, places closed and economy suffered but this President has opened up the southern border to illegals who have not been tested nor vaccination given to thousands and it is said by end of May millions. He has a forked tounge. Also he is asking for 86 million to set them up in hotels. Why not give them cash to gamble with too. It is money many Americans need but lets take care of the ILLEGALS FIRST. Peace and Hope

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