Lynnette has not been coming long but we are all gettin to know her.
Knoxie does wonderful pastel portraits. She does landscapes and also uses acrylic paints but her portraits in pastel are her niche.

Jane did the flowers in the vase for her DIL and was very pleased that she liked it. The others are Hazel's.

Jane takin a break. Darlene and Hazel discussing whatever comes to mind. Hazel loves to sit down and swing that leg up to rest. I only hope when I get 89 I will be able to do the same.

The painting Darlene was working on that day.

This is the painting that Hazel was working on. She changed the rocks many times during the session. She is a Colorist. She uses colors in places other would not venture.
I finished up my small gallery canvas of Bear Mountain. Another one of those delightful photos that Marcel was kind to share. I also finished up the painting of the soap factory in Sitka. Forgive me as I cannot think of the name because it is late and I am definitely a morning person. I am waiting up for Puppy to come from class. He was sick yesterday at work and I must make sure he is okay. Y'all Mothers know the feeling.
I have yet to understand why some people cannot say what they have on their mind instead of DING, DING, DING. My armour has lots of dents from today's barbs. I just keep my mouth shut and think about my Mother. She quoted quite often "If you cannot say something good, then do not say anything at all".
The Kitty Justice is I could have answered those barbs but I would rather be able to look myself in the mirror and console myself I did the right thing. I will continue to use the shield of Peace and not the sword of Pain.


Nancy said…
WOW! I am impressed with all the talent!!! All the art pieces are beautiful!!!! I have painted a few things in my day but haven't done anything in a very long time! Would be fun, but I just don't have time these days, as I still work.

Mary said…
Lady Di,

All of these ladies are very talented. I enjoyed viewing their artistic talents, but where are your paintings? I would love to see those also.

Just yesterday I told Jordan when he said something nasty to Brandon, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." It's true. It's better to be silent than to say something nasty.

I have some catching up to do here.
Anonymous said…
Lookin good! Thanks for stopping by my place. Good morning from Mississippi, USA. I hope you have a wonderful morning!
Lady Di Tn said…
I understand about the working. I hope you get to start again soon. Thanks.

I am gonna post some of mine today, Thursday. I am so glad you are teaching the boys manner. I always told Puppy when he was that age and was going to out somewhere to be sure he took his manner with him.

I understand why you have catching up to do with all that work you and Dwight have been doing.

Thanks for stopping by.

Peace to Y'all.
LZ Blogger said…
Lady Di ~ There are really some pretty talented folks here! ~ jb///
LZ Blogger said…
Lady Di ~ There are really some pretty talented folks here! ~ jb///
LZ Blogger said…
OOPS! ~ jb///
Anonymous said…
very good, even as many excellent post, as beautiful photographs wonderful happy you read in the future

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