The picture is a little blurry but you get the jest of how big these berries grow, therefore it does not take many to fill up a freezer carton. We squirrel them away for future cobblers and jams. I must confess a few did not make it to the freezer. Where did they go? The evidence is in our smiles.
Prince and I drove around the farm to check on fences and we encountered patch after patch of wild blackberries. They are very small due to the lack of rain.
The kitty justice is the wild blackberries look like pebbles next to the boulders grown in my garden.
they look scrumptious. Have always
liked them, but we only had the wild variety when I was young. Love the jam made from them.
Thank you for your comments about my family photos and it was great to see them, but it was too short a Visit.
Better then nothing I guess.
Take care my friend, Love, Merle.
Thanks Di, you cheered me up about that. I could remove it I guess.Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.
Ohh my mouth is watering for some fresh blackberries they look so yummy ohh i can taste fresh scones topped with fresh berry jam and a good dollop of fresh cream...
Take care Jen
I hope you have a good week!
I love Blackberry also. I am glad your visit was fun with family. I have not seen my siblings in awhile and I am having withdrawals. Sis will be happy to get the poem and I will tell her you like the name of her class. I do believe that blogger should not be judgemental as that job belongs to God. I was upset that anyone would say something like that to you as I believe there is not a mean bone in your body. Peace be with you.
Unfortunately my mouth captures the stray berry and it does not make it to the freezer. Yesterday, there were a couple bigger than the one in the picture.
I did the same and I only wish Mom was here to bake me another pie. She had this one round deep pan that she would use and I can see her now rolling out the crust. Since she has been gone I have not had a pie as good. I think it was the Mother's love she baked within. Peace
I think berries are like the little bear in the nursery story. The weather has to be just right for them to do well. I have watered my tame ones to help them out.
Got two yesterday the size of grapefruits. The good thing it does not take very many to fill up a freezer carton. Now the raspberry are a different story. Peace
I cross my paws that one of pickturez iz pickeded. OK?
Thanks for the help. Peace
As to the hay we have the unwrapped rounds too. MB
Those blackberries look more like what used to grow in the pine root fence rows on Grandpa's farm. Grandma called them thimbleberries and they were huge, sweet and juicy. You've done a good job with those.
Take care and enjoy all the treats you make with the wonderful berries. There is nothing better than food grown in our gardens.