This year everything has bloomed earlier than usual because Tennessee has been having temperatures above normal.
Prince never gets hot but last weekend he kept saying "It is
I am sure the next couple months we will have those different winters( redbud, dogwood, locust etc etc) In the south, there is a name for every little cool spell until summer hits us like a hot oven.
I love springtime but this year our spring has been cluttered with plain ole TOO HOT. Southern women glisten in the summer but never in the spring until this year.
A Cousin of a Cousin said it best, when she dubed the Bradford pear trees, the weeds of trees. At this time of year, you cannot go ten feet without seeing one. Every yard at least one and sometime MORE. There must have been a blue light special on them years ago for EVERY subdivision entrance has a dozen or more. After they get a certain age, the branches break off or if the wind blows two miles an hour a branch will break off. Then they look like smiling hillbilles. BUT after winter even those cotton tops on toothpicks are refreshing. I guess you could say that is the kitty justice.