The little lady in red is the center's art teacher. She is a slip of a woman but has more talent than most people dream about acquiring. Hazel was 88 this year but still teaches four days a week and a few nights she teaches ball room dancing.
Hazel has been the Art Center's main teacher for YEARS , so it is easy to say ,one without the other just would not do.
Hazel loves people and in turn everyone loves her and if they do not we will WONDER ABOUT THEM. She talks very reverently about her former teacher and loving calls him Pops. She will state "That's what Pops use to say."
Several of her peers were my college art teachers and we get to talking about them and laughing at their comments. But my very first teacher, I do not mention her name in Hazel's presents as she will tell you in No uncertain terms how she disliked the woman.
I always liked my first teacher, Juanita Green Parks, she had red hair and swooped it forward like Woody Woodpecker and when she talked she would squawk like a peckerwood. In her class you not only learned to draw, but you were required to know all the bones and muscles in the human body. Her first statement when she would enter the classroom would be "Lets draw inside out".
I would never tell Hazel this but her and Juanita remind me of one another. Yikes, maybe that was it. Too much alike.
The Kitty Justice is that all should have a Hazel to know.
Thank you for your comments - glad you liked the Wings story, and the pics of those adorable little puppies
I am very proud of all my family.
Hope it is a little cooler for you.
Take care, dear friend, Love, Merle.
I love your stories and I would have loved to sit down among those puppies and played with them.
It rain a little last night but under the boxwoods it is still dry. We are thankful for any rain we get.
I know you are having a wonderful time with Bec.
Glad you liked the description and believe me I toned it down some.