Spring is trying to appear. These photos were taken out behind the Art Center where I go to get my batteries recharged for another week.
There are some blue metal round tables with umbrella and chairs to sit and have lunch between the back of the center and the fountain when the weather permits.
It RAINED today and it was the kind of rain that when it hits the ground it would jump back up into your eyes. When I took Mimi back to have her leg checked from the surgery last week, I drove really slow down the driveway and looked off the hill at the pond. I think it may have filled up to the top or at least it looks like it from a distance. Yeah.
The doctor told Mimi she was doing perfect which made us all happy. We schedule the surgery for the left leg and after that is done maybe we will not worry about another episode.
The kitty justice is it looks like spring, smells like spring, but way too chilly to really be spring. Burr the wet wind is cold.


Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks for visiting. Y'all come back.
Mary said…
Lady Di,

The fountain is awesome! I love water in all forms. Hubby got me a small fountain for the porch two years ago. It has bluebirds on the top, which is another of my favorite things. When we get it out and filled later this spring, I will try to remember to take a photo.

The flowers are gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing. How was art class? Did you get your Madonna finished?

LZ Blogger said…
Lady Di ~ Now that looks like a REALLY NICE place to get your batteries charged! I wish it looked like spring here in the midwest... but alas, I think we are waiting for Easter! ~ jb///
Merle said…
Hi Lady Di ~~ Beautiful photos and it sure looks like Spring is there. The weather should soon warm up and all will be well. Great place to go to your Art class. I do hope Mimi's leg is getting better and she will soon be well again. Glad you liked the pilot who spoke "blonde" and the
Beautiful Christian Sister. Have a blessed and very happy Easter. Take care, Love, Merle.
Lady Di Tn said…
I cannot wait to see your fountain when you get it back in service. I love bluebirds and each year in the frontyard birdbath we have lots of blue bird bather. Yes, I got Madonna finished and I started a 12x36 gallery canvas of the same scene of Marcel's Alaska that I did the tiny picture from. Peace
Lady Di Tn said…
It is really a wonderful place to recharge one's batteries and I drove the long way around the park to see all the gardens and how they are beginning to open up their blooming faces to the sun. Peace
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks and I am so glad you enjoyed our first blooms since you have so many pretty blooms yourself. Mimi's leg was pronounced that it was healing perfectly and we set up the surgery date, May 2nd for the other leg. She is not an early riser so I was thankful that it will be at later in the day. Last time we had to leave before 7am to get there on time. Peace

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