As you can see the bathroom window, I could not open therefore the screen and bottom pane must be done later. Note the big bedroom windows with three panels. On the other side there are three more just as big and another small window along with another bathroom window. But the others are much higher off the ground.
Now when I say I wash windows, you can see it is a big job for me.
Can you believe, once upon a time, I could shine them all in one days But alas with two surgery and some hardware in me back, it is takes me several weeks in fact. I am not complaining just stating the truth and must say I do miss my youth. As I mature along the way, I am happy I am able to achieve as much in a day.
The kitty justice is I would rather sleep in than wash windows again.
You've done a beautiful job of washing all the windows and they are sparkling clean.
I know how it is about losing our youth and it taking longer to do things. There are just some things I can no longer do. And these are called the Golden Years. LOL Just do what you can. As Grandma used to say it will all be here to be done after we're gone.
Take care, my friend and have a great Thursday.
Glad you can see the shine all the way out west. Peace
Put on those shades lady as the shine will make you skint.
My favorite saying is "Will it really matter a hundred years from now?" Peace
- you do well to do them all yourself
Thanks for your comments and I am
glad you enjoyed it. I am glad your weather is nice and no humidity. It
hasn't been too bad here lately.
And the rain will come eventually to
your area and also mine. Take care,
my friend, Love, Merle.