We have very important visitors coming to town on Tuesday. I know you think I am talking about Obama and McCain. NOT!!!!!!
It is Mimi's number one grandson and his wife and they are bringing Great Granddaughter to the Hill.
She is only a little over two months old but we have been getting photos via email. It will be a whirl wind visit from California as they will only be here a couple of days and then they will go south to Mississippi to visit Grandma (Prince's sister).
We have gotten the guest bedroom ready and Puppy brought the Harris cradle up for Ever to take naps and photos. I told Mimi we need a list of all the babies that had used that cradle. When Puppy came home from the hospital he spend his days and nights in that cradle. Mimi said she remember her children staying in the cradle longer than Puppy but he was in the ninety percent growth charts at that time.
I cannot wait to post some photos of the little girl and her proud parents and Great Grandmother.
When they arrive at the airport, I hope all the commotion from the debates has subsided. The Great Uncle will pick them up.
Now this weekend I spend most of my waking hours getting the cabin clear of Nephew's stuff that he had left. Prince stopped by the depot and bought boxes and I sorted and checked all areas for items that should have been packed up by my Nephew. As I spent hours I would have rather be doing something else, I kept saying that he was NOT MY FAVORITE NEPHEW TODAY.
Our good friend will be staying at the cabin on a temporary bases starting in November. He came over with a few boxes of his own. As I was starting to bring items down from the third floor, he told me that was his Alabama stuff on the bed. Both he and my nephew are Alabama graduates.
After he moves, I will be further along on getting the cabin fixed back up for a guest house. Then I hope some of my blogging friends will visit and stay at the cabin.
The Kitty Justice is I may get to relax a bit after Thursday. My cat fur will be headed to the dreaded grocery store to gather in goodies for the upcoming visit.


Anonymous said…
This was an interesting post to read for me. I also enjoyed the two photos.
Lady Di Tn said…
Glad you found it interesting. Still enjoying the flower. Peace
SweetAnnee said…
Oh how fun...can't wait to see some pictures..

and that cottage is LOVELY
I'll pack my bags when you tell
me it's all clear...
Juneau Alaska Photos said…
Greetings from Juneau, Alaska!
I posted a photo of the Red Dog Saloon especially for you. New owners bought it last spring and remodeled the exterior in May. They also bought the shop on the left of the enterance and made a much larger gift shop. I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit to Juneau.:)
Lilli & Nevada said…
Well i can't wait to see photos of the wee one.
Merle said…
Dear Dianne ~~ You always seem to be so busy. I love your cottage photo and your
nephew should have packed his own goods up. I hope you enjoy your visitors, and I
am sure Mimi will. Look forward to some photos of the cradle and Bub. We have had a couple of cold days last two days, but no rain. We want our sunshine back, and some rain. Take care, dear friend,
Love, Merle.
Lady Di Tn said…
We will all have to wait as the baby is not coming. I will let you know when the cabin is ready. Peace

I cannot wait to check out the Red Dog. Thanks. Peace

The wee one will not be coming. It is a big disappointment but the Mama was not feeling well and she did not wish to make her sick Mommy take such a long trip. Peace

In all fairness, Nephew was just taking a temporary job to see if it would work but he should have made time to pack up his stuff as I am really not able to do so. Good thing Prince and Gil helped me. The wee ones Mama does not feel well and we did not wish for her to get frazzled as well as sick. You know traveling with a baby is like a move or as our cousin use to say a traveling circus. To be so small they need so much stuff. Peace

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