The neighbors home and dogwood trees. The pink one was an anniversary gift of our cousins when they own the house. The white one has lights on it and at night it looks like a shimmering lace curtain. It is a source of happiness provided by our wonderful neighbors.
Easter morning sunrise.
Another view of Easter sunrise.Our Church's first service was at 7AM and the sun was high in the sky by that time.
The kitty justice is to enjoy all the sunrises and the gift of good neighbors and friends.
Such lovely colors. Thank you so much for your comments and sorry I have been so long answering.
Glad you liked the pic of Peter and myself. Neither of us is fading away.
When John was helping with laundry, it was too hard to get the camera.
I am so thankful that the pain has
eased quite a lot.
Thanks for the info about a body
healing while we slleep. So I won't fight the naps so much.
Take care, dear friend, Love, Merle.
Peter and Myself had a lovely catch up session.. hehehe, a lot like the chicken farmer,,lol
Thanks. Livin on this hill looking east does provide lots of sunrises for those of us who get up. Had you are getting along better. Peace
Yep your correct kiddo. Peace
Girl I just love your humor. Peace
I love the photo of your neighbor's home and the dogwoods. They are so pretty. I would love to buy one for the side yard but they are very expensive.
Enjoyed the Easter sunrise. Hope you have a great weekend. The weather here was beautiful today.
Glad you enjoyed the sunrises. Peace
Ancient one,
I have a couple also, one is deep purple and the other is raspberry. But they are not blooming yet. Peace