Prince went ahead to put out some feed for the wildlife. As he took the blue truck back up the hill, I stayed on the hillside and took this photo of Jackson's Hill which is to the left.
This is a close up of the trees at the bottom of Jackson's Hill.
I turned to my right and the path that leads to the white barn. The Maple to the left of the cedar trees is only beginning to turn color.
This is the hillside just right of the white barn. The red and yellow trees compliment each other.
A closer look at these beautiful ladies.
Prince is coming down the path to the white barn but Maggie had already run to meet me and circled the barn two or three times.
This is the giant tree to the right of the white barn in previous photo and I am showing a close up as I love the character. Have you ever met a tree you did not like? I consider myself a tree hugger in the purest sense.
The big branch in the top right belongs to the tree in the previous photo and this is the back side of the two ladies.
This is the hillside of the farm behind the two ladies. I love the rolling hills even if TVA has spoiled the view. I can always use my artistic license and paint it out. LOL
This is a view of the barn that most do not see as it is the backside looking up the hill to our home.
This is inside the right side of the barn. Now for a quiz. Do you know what this equipment IS?
This is a closer look at the object in question. I think the wheels and seat are antique treasures.
In true Kitty Justice kat fuzzes I will give you a Hint. It could have good use in our Nation Capital. No short supply there.
The kitty justice is I wish you luck with your guess.
Anonymous said…
I like those photos of the old equipment in the barn. The other photos are nice too.
Hi Dianne ~~ No, I don't know what it is either. The color in the trees is magnificent and the barns are lovely. Thanks for your comments about our family photos and yes, the cake was yummy. Kate also made a mud cake and brought that too. My granddaughters are all nice looking girls and the boys will be around. Kate the eldest lives in Geelong, 3 hrs from me, and 2 hours from Kathy. Glad you enjoyed the jokes, esp the doctor one. Take care my friend, Love, Merle.
Abe Thanks. I love old equipment as they have so much character.Peace
Lazy Thanks. After today and tonight with the wind and rain most of the leaves will fall. That header is a photo looking down our driveway. That is why I taught Maggie to fetch the paper each morning. Peace
Merle So glad you enjoy the colors of TN. Thanks. Peace
Mary YOU GOT IT CORRECT. Prince thought since it did not show the back of the equipment, folks would not recognize. LOL maybe I will let your government borrow it after ours has finished. heehee. I look out each morning at Jackson's hill and in the fall the color starts at the bottom and works its way up just like the leafy green lace in the spring. Peace
MB We have had a lovely fall so far and yesterday, I made a circle to and from my visit so I could see differnet colors. Hard to drive as I am looking off at the color. I need a driver. Peace
is magnificent and the barns are lovely.
Thanks for your comments about our family photos and yes, the cake was yummy. Kate also made a mud cake and brought that too. My granddaughters are all nice looking girls and the boys will be around.
Kate the eldest lives in Geelong, 3 hrs from me, and 2 hours from Kathy.
Glad you enjoyed the jokes, esp the
doctor one. Take care my friend,
Love, Merle.
The foliage is beautiful. I love the first shot of Jackson's Hill.
The photos of the white barn bring back many memories.
Why that is a manure spreader. I've ridden on one very similar dozens of time when I was a child. It also belongs in our capital. LOL
Enjoy your day.
Thanks. I love old equipment as they have so much character.Peace
Thanks. After today and tonight with the wind and rain most of the leaves will fall. That header is a photo looking down our driveway. That is why I taught Maggie to fetch the paper each morning. Peace
So glad you enjoy the colors of TN. Thanks. Peace
YOU GOT IT CORRECT. Prince thought since it did not show the back of the equipment, folks would not recognize. LOL maybe I will let your government borrow it after ours has finished. heehee. I look out each morning at Jackson's hill and in the fall the color starts at the bottom and works its way up just like the leafy green lace in the spring. Peace
We have had a lovely fall so far and yesterday, I made a circle to and from my visit so I could see differnet colors. Hard to drive as I am looking off at the color. I need a driver. Peace
Thanks. Peace