Now for the tale of the Tiger Eye bracelet. I had worn it on my visit to see the Pope as it match my outfit perfectly. On the way home from Springfield, I was chewing gum and if you chew gum you know after awhile it feels like it is chewing you.
It was clouding up to rain when I stopped at out mailbox to get the mail and it is a truly steep steep drop off behind the mailbox so I thought what a good resting place for spent gum. I took the gum out and with a really good toss, I sent it to it's final resting place however, I had such good momentum that my bracelet went flying off into the weeds. I saw where it landed so I took the mail and started to rake the weeds back and trying to stay up the embankment at the same time. Well, I could not locate it and my arms were not long enough. I went up the hill for a rake. Prince was there and he got in the car and he took the rake and located it at full rakes length near a small tree.
The Kitty Justice is he was my Hero again. Thanks Hun.
PS We had a storm Sunday and it killed the router therefore no internet until now. The sun is out today but rain for Thursday and Friday.
Nice hat too. How nice of you friend to treat you.
I hope the weather decides to settle down out your way. We had a big storm yesterday and lots of crazy weather. Our power was out during the day but I wasn't home.... MB
Thanks and Peace.
I could not believe what happen with the gum going one way and the bracelet the othe way. Glad you enjoyed my blunder. Seems like all of us are being shown by Mother Nature as to who is in charge. I dream of one week of nice sunny weather with rain in the next weeks forcast. Peace
Thanks and it is fun to know that you too love bracelets and bead. I find it relaxing hobby. Peace
Oh do get to wearing those bracelets. It makes me feel dressed up and ready to go even if my nails need some attention. Peace