I hope it will soon be cool enough to enjoy the view rather than run out and take photos and hurry back inside. It did rain this morning and it was WONDERFUL and the dusty earth was so very happy that it was singing a hush and peaceful song. I did stand out and get wet with an upturn face like a small child while Maggie was on her run for the paper.
The kitty justice is that simplicity is always the best medicine.
BTW The Blazing Star flowers (see last post) gifted me with a yellow finch eating from it's spent blooms.Now that a Blessing.
It seems the Republicans make it very easy for themselves with that November thing. They'll have to be highly creative and work very hard if they wish to achieve their goals in November and further on.
The zinnias are superb!
all politician no matter the party are still politician. I myself do not afilliate with either. I vote for the person not a party. Too bad others do not do the same. Over the years each parties support has changed, kind of like Russia roulete. Thanks I love zinnia as they remind me of my beloved Grandpa. I just picked a few fresh ones and put them in vases. Peace
It was very pleasant this morning and Prince and I enjoyed the view and coffee together. Peace
Thanks and it seems like as we mature we have to watch things that use to just be taken for granted. It was cooler this morning for the first time in a long time. Peace and the same to you.