The photos were taken from inside the house of the cold snowy world outside our windows. The birds were lined up in the trees and railings waiting for their turn. Here a Cardinal telling a Titmouse that he is not ready to leave.
Another Cardinal sharing the feeder with Purple Finches. A Towhee that you cannot see is in the pot looking for fallen seeds.
It snowed all day Sunday and sometimes so hard you could not see the white barn. In this photo you cannot see the hills behind the barn due to the falling snow.
It rained and rained on Saturday when Prince and I went to get our tree. I had to let it dry overnight before I decorated it on Sunday.
This year I thought I would use a big bow on top with streamers. The ribbon is gold with red ornaments on it. I used only glass balls with a few snowflakes this year to decorate the tree. Now it really smells like Christmas with the tree giving off the wintry green .
This morning when I awoke it was 11.3 degrees on the hill. We got a total of about 4 inches of snow and I thought the news paper guy would not have come, therefore, I put on boots, coat, gloves and earmuffs over my pj's and walked Maggie on a leach. Her usual start is to run out the door and down the hill for the paper.
When Prince left for work, he called and said the paper was there, so I told Maggie and off she went.
The kitty justice is Maggie was back up the hill with the paper before you could say "Paper."


Anonymous said…
Very nice pictures. I like the outside on the banner too. Looks like a log house with cement for chinking. Nice tree too.
Small City Scenes said…
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Small City Scenes said…
Oh it all looks so nice.---Except for The 11degrees. I can feel that.
That first shot is Christmas Card perfect. We have no snow just RAIN and flooding in the lowlands.
Pictures tomorrow!!

Stay warm. MB
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks. The log house is the cabin next door where Puppy lives. Peace
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks. At lunch time we were up to a heat wave of 21 degrees. With it raining here Saturday we had ice under the snow that fell Sunday. It created a traffic nightmare. Some folks were stuck on I40 for over nine hours. Yikes, did they not hear the weather predictions? Peace
Merle said…
Hi Dianne ~~ I had quite a few of your posts to catch up on. I am so
glad that you and Price have such a loving relationship and a late Happy Anniversary. That hotel is wonderful and the service so very
good and the complementary cake.
I am glad you got your tree, even though it was raining. I am glad you and Mimi got the first batch of fruit cakes made - as you say, ticking off the seasonal things to do. Glad you liked the jokes.
Take care, my friend, Love and Peace. Merle.
Changes in the wind said…
Love that you feed the birds:) I can almost smell that tree:) Stay warm.............
Lady Di Tn said…
Glad you stopped by. I get behind on reading post too. Thanks for the belated wishes. Got the cakes wrapped yesterday and today the bows will go on. It is a nice little tree and much more easily to decorate this year. So far it has not fallen like the tree did last year. I wish you Enough. Peace

Glad you can smell the tree. With the snow the little feathered friends are visiting the feeder in flocks so I will have to replinhish the food this afternoon. Peace
LZ Blogger said…
KJ ~ I love the new look... great door shot! Why can't I find subjects like that one to shoot? jb///
Lady Di Tn said…
That is a photo I took of Puppy's cabin which is next door. Of course, I decorated the door. Peace

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