Check out this old building in downtown. Another quick snap shots up one of downtown streets as we drove through downtown. This is the Arcade which connects 5th and 4th Ave. It has a glass top. When I worked downtown it was a nice area to go during lunch break. The Peanut shop is still there but the Woolworths on the corner, where we would get a sack of popcorn outside the store is no longer there. When I first came to Nashville, the Life and Casualty Building was the only tall building that Nashville had at the time. Life and Casualty was an Insurance company. It was not long until the National Life and Accident Insurance building was built. Then we had two tall buildings. Life and Casualty Tower is on 4Th Ave and Church Street. Now what is that building below reflecting? I think it as a rather cool entrance. Now this is a site you normal do not see. It is the back side of the Ryman. Anyone who knows about Nashville and country music can immediately tell you what the front side looks like.
The kitty justice is there is more to come of me playing tourist.
Love you playing tourist. We get to see things that you really know and maybe real tourists wouldn't see. Like the back of the RA.
You know you have been around a while when you get to see downtown change from a few tall buildings to a lot of tall building. Same with me and Seattle. LOL MB
You know you have been around a while when you get to see downtown change from a few tall buildings to a lot of tall building. Same with me and Seattle. LOL
Glad you are enjoying the tour.Peace
Downtown has really changed since I worked there. Glad you are enjoying the little tour. Peace