Prince picked these sweet smelling doubles for us. We call them doubles because there are 2 blooms on each stem. They come up late each year in the field between the white barn and the house. They were planted by a black man named Wilbur who had a little house in that area. I have been told that he and my FIL were good friends but both were gone before I came into the family.
A close up of the little blooms. Mimi placed them by the kitchen door in the front hallway. She said we could get a nice sniff each time we went by them.
This clematis is planted on the right side of the garage door and when you pull up to the house it greets you.
A close up of the little blooms. Mimi placed them by the kitchen door in the front hallway. She said we could get a nice sniff each time we went by them.
This clematis is planted on the right side of the garage door and when you pull up to the house it greets you.
The kitty justice is to enjoy the blooms inside and out.
Have a great Tuesday.
They really make the house smell wonderful. The vase was one of Aunt Byrd's and one of Mimi's favorite. Peace
I am happy that they make good memories along the path of home and Mama. Peace
Thanks, I have been meaning to move some of them out of the field closer to the house. Gotta get my diggin back up and runnin before I do. It is better since I have not played weeder of the flower beds but it is still not a 100 per cent. The clematis on the front of the house always blooms almost a month sooner than the one out back. Peace