Don't those biscuits and stew look yummy on the cover of the 1944 cook book?
 A quick list of what you can do for conservation states "Conserve, Conserve, Conserve!" This is on the back of the cover page. 
In the middle of the book on pages six and seven, shows a group of handsome Americans with the title "MILK IS PRECIOUS AMMUNITION DON'T WASTE IT! There are two recipes NOODLES CHEESE PUDDING and CUSTARD SAUCE which can be made when you squeeze the bottle dry. 

On page nine, Dr. H. A Ruehe of the American Butter Institute in Chicago writes "MILK --NUMBER 1 ON THE FOOD LIST." He also writes "Nutritional planning has pointed out very clearly that the dairy cow is the most efficient converter of vegetation into foods of animal origin." He goes on to state "The dairy cow works 24 hours a day, day in and day out, hot or cold, wet or dry. And it will not be her fault if there is a shortage of her precious product." He also suggested that an authority had said an adult should have a quart of milk a day.

The kitty justice is I am not fond of getting milk on my whiskers. 


DUTA said…
Tt wasn't possible for me to leave a comment on your last posts. There was no 'post a comment' for me to click upon. I have no idea why. Maybe it has to do with your superb new lay out.

You've displayed some very inviting book covers in this post!
They were pretty smart back then, weren't they? Wish we had listened to them....

Thanks for sharing that old cookbook with us, Di.
Lady Di Tn said…
It is bloggers fault. What happens, when there are zero comments it will appear between the posted by and label. Then when someone comments, the 0 comments disappears but if you hover the mouse over that section, it will appear. I thought people were not commenting at first until I found out that trick by accident. I am almost afraid to go back in and try to fix it. When I get the courage and time, I will try. Glad you enjoyed the books. Peace

I just thought it rather funny that all the stuff I had heard all my life was so old in deed. Glad you liked the cook book. Peace

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