NOT!!!!! ONE ON EITHER SIDE OF THE SUNFLOWER FEEDER. Note, we put a strap over the top to keep them from raising the lid .
The kitty justice is this is why our sunflower feeders are always empty. 


Oh its so cold you can't blame them for looking for seeds:)
Lady Di Tn said…
We have a corn feeder out for the big animals so it would be nice if they would eat with them instead of raiding my feeder. Peace
Merle said…
Hi Dianne ~~ You had me tricked- lol, sure looked like a squirrel with 2 tails.
I am giving my chair more time to help more as I use it.
Glad you are watching out for
Aunt Karen and not messing with other Seniors.
Take care my friend, Love,
Merle. Wishing you enough and Peace.
Lady Di Tn said…
When I was taking photos I had no idea that the first one with show trickery. Glad to hear you are giving the chair more time. Wishing you enough. Peace

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