The Jolly Roger from J. M. Barrie, "Peter and Wendy" 1911. "One green light squinting over Kidd's Creek, which is near the mouth of the pirate  river, marked where the brig, the Jolly Roger, lay, low in the water; a rakish-looking craft foul to the hull..She was the cannibal of the seas, and scarce needed that watchful eye, for she floated immune in the horror of her name."

I liked the baskets up around the tree for the crow's nest. There was also a wooden wheel for the mates to turn and a large clock on the bow. At the stern was a detachable flag that could be taken out and waved at their capture r  (parents) as they sailed away for a small reprieve. Luckily no plank was visible as I am sure some would have been forced to walk into arms of land lovers below. 

The kitty justice is the mates should have had to read the book before they were allowed to board the ship.  


It would be better if they read the book:)
Lady Di Tn said…
I thought about that quite a bit as I went around looking at them and wondered just how many knew anything about the books that they represented. Peace
The Jolly Roger House looks like a fun place to visit...

Did you get much rain? We got very very little the past 3 days.... It just goes around us or south of us... Darn!!!

Lady Di Tn said…
A great place for kids to enjoy. We adults stay on the ground. Same here concerning the rain. Must be we are too high up for it to reach us. LOL

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