How it feels to be in a bag

When my best friend was here for Christmas, I came up behind her and put her in a bag. She does not like tight places, therefore, I was lucky she did not come out swinging. But as I drop  the bag over her, I told her she was my Christmas present for the year. She laughed and said she had never been any one's Christmas present before.  She stood very still and let her mother and I take a photo  of her. 
 With all the hum bug in DC, I would have liked to hide in a bag and pretend we would not have to suffer 4 more years of Big Ears. He is really trying to shift people to  view other things more important than the economy. Shame on him for using the tragedy of little children to push his agenda. However, the kitty justice is most of the American public are too stupid to be aware of what he has been doing. 
BTW Have yawl ever heard of playing Chicken where both vehicles are heading toward one another and they see who will turn away first, well that is what the Dims and Pugs are doing but we will be the ones hurt when they crash. 


You are too funny. What an idea to put your friend in a bag as your Christmas present. I love it!!!

I just want to put my head in the sand and forget about the strutting and horn blowing in DC.

Jackie said…
Love your nickname for Obama.
I don't even like to hear his, typing his name here was very difficult for me.
Love the closeness that you have with your best friend. Since she doesn't like enclosed/tight places, she was a true sport to let you bag and photograph her.
Sending you hugs and love, my friend.
Lee said…
It is a scary thought that so many of the masses have short memories; and also have no idea what is going on...same applies here. We're in an election year and I do so hope Gillard and her band of pirates get kicked out!
You are so right Kitty....
Lady Di Tn said…
It was not planned, I just saw the bag and put her in it. Same here about the Idiots. Peace

Have you noticed that when he lies, his ears gets bigger instead of the nose. LOL She is my oldest and dearest friend and I still have not forgiven her husband for moving her out of state. Peace

Good luck on the election and I can only pray yours turns out better than ours. Peace

We are in agreement. Peace

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