
Got this in an E mail and thought I would share. 
The Kitty Justice is this is really true for this Kat.


Lee said…
It's lovely.
Isn't that the truth...
Jackie said…
I have a facebook friend who just had to have her dog put to sleep. I had never met her dog...but through her posting, I know how much he meant to her.
I comforted her through my words the best that I could...but I know there are none that will take that pain away.
As a matter of fact, I found myself crying over the loss of her dog. Wasn't even MY dog...and my heart was touched.
Yes...those 4-legged furry friends wrap themselves right around one's heart.
Forty Two East said…
So true!!
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks. Peace

It is true. They love unconditionally. Peace

You have a tender heart and yes we do let our little critters stuff our hearts with dog and cat hairs. I guess you are aware that dog spelled backwards is God. I think each loves us no matter What. Peace

Lady Di Tn said…
So good to see yawl. Yes it is VERY TRUE. PEACE

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