The back porch in August

I was standing in front of the library windows and I took the ferns to my left. I cannot remember how old these are because each fall, I give them a hair cut and put them in the basement for the winter. The next spring I bring them out and give each one a strong pot of black tea. Then I water them generously and they put out new growth. I do water them while they stay in the basement but only once a month . 
The second photo, I just turned to my right and took the porch. I left 2 seed bird feeder out down by the orange geranium and it has created a mess. The flock of birds have knocked seed on the geranium and down on the ground. Unfortunate for me the turkeys have found the excess seeds and destroyed my flower beds below. 
The Kitty Justice is I have plans for another pole at a different spot(not above my flower beds) on the porch.


Lee said…
That's a wonderful long porch, Lady Di...I bet you spend many a relaxing moment out there. :)
DUTA said…
You seem to have a full time job with the greenery in and outside the house. The main thing is that you love it. When you do something out of love that's always great.
Those ferns are gorgeous!!!!!
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks. I am grateful to be able to set outside and have morning coffee. The older we get the less time we spend on the porch. Maybe if it is not so hot we can do that tonight. Peace

Yes it is one of love. I got my green thumb from my Mother and her father. Both loved to grow things and I have that bug too. Peace

Thanks. I plan to keep them as long as they will perform for me. Peace

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