Month one almost gone

 Yesterday we had changing skies all day. It started out with a whisper of light red over in the East. 
Then the large clouds rolled in followed with blue sky and on and on it went most of the day. However, the sun was only a mild sliver at moments.

First I was given two BP medicines several years ago and both were off label. Nothing wrong with the BP. The first one was given to me 3 doctors ago for my heart rate. My art teacher of years gone pass, said I was a fast woman (meaning my painting) but it could also be my heart rate. Then 2 doctors ago I was given one to help with my kidneys since I had developed diabetes and also my Mother died of kidney failure. The long and short, I was getting horrible tired by the afternoon and if I rested a few moments then I could go on about my day. Back in July 2014 I told my now doctor and he cut the first medicine in half and now he has told me to discontinue it all together as my BP is running too low. That was 4 days ago and when I went for the mail today, I had electrical pains in my chest and I could feel my heart beat as if I had been running it was beating so hard, then when I got back to the house and rested awhile I took my BP and the heart rate was 130. YIKES. 
Being I know my body best as I do have to live in it, I plan to go back on half of what he discontinued and see how that works. I am suppose to call him the first of February so he can tell me if Dr. M did a blood count or not and he, Dr. K, wanted one. I really hope Dr. M did the count because my veins have this habit of running for deep cover when a needle shows up near them. I always get a nice ugly mark that I have to live with for weeks until it disappears.  Nuf said as we all have health issues. 
I have spent my time watching the Vanderbilt rape case. The defense tried to say it was culture and alcohols fault.WHAT? Two of the men involved were found guilty on all counts and 2 more await their day in court. No one won but it sent a message that if you commit the crime you will be punished. The poor girl had to wait 2 years for the trial. Then there is another trial to come. Two young men will spend 20 or more years in jail sentencing will be the first of March and each one could have had a bright future. The young lady life will never ever be the same. I cannot even imagine what her emotional life will be like.  One young man she had dated some and the girl Trusted him when she left with him. Unfortunately the young man had NO RESPECT for her or women in general proven by his actions.The same can be said of the other three men who were involved. One man got on the stand and admitted it was him on the video(thank goodness it was not shown to the public). He also stated he went to Church the next day and when asked what he was afraid of when he first told his story , he said it was that he would loose his scholarship. Now if all yawl do not think there is something wrong with this picture then I suggest you need to rethink why not. While waiting for the verdict this same young man was having lunch with his lawyer and thought he would not be convicted. I did not make a typing mistake. WHATEVER HAPPEN TO BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS? 
If this is college culture and alcohol use on campus for colleges. it needs to change  as this is not what college is about. 
The Kitty Justice is that All colleges should have to use the Vanderbilt rape case as a teaching tool to future classes. 
BTW This is the only court case I have watched and I do not think I will watch another. Too upsetting.  


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