A week of COLD

 I took this photo this morning and it was 10 degrees outside. The color did not last long until the clouds rolled in for another grey day. We are suppose to start with snow at noon and by mid afternoon it will go into freezing rain and sleet. Then tomorrow it will be warm enough to turn into rain with possible flooding. I need to find that groundhog who predicted more winter and make him into a hat. So far we have not lost power but with another round of ice on the way, we can only pray our luck will hold out. Maybe our Angels will continue to hold the lines up for us as long as my 96 soon to be 97 year old MIL is in the house. Thank God we do have a generator. 

 The week has been ice with a little snow and breaking temperature records. The birds have eaten most of the seed so we will need to go out and pick up more for our feathered friends. I have watched the doves with frozen tail feathers try to land . They make it but the usual fan of tail feathers is not possible. When the sun comes out it is a picture post card in the making with the sparkling ice attached to everything. A flock of male turkeys came up the hill and picketed around the house until Puppy got the four wheeler out and took them some corn. The feeder is full of corn but frozen therefore, nothing can be thrown out at the allotted intervals. 
Before the bad weather, I went out and picked all the buds from our yard. Mimi wondered if they would even open but as you can see we did have a little spring on the kitchen table. 
At first Maggie refused to squat on that sheet of ice but after much sniffing she resigned herself to finding no uncovered earth to do her daily business. Now she seems use to it and runs out does her thing and heads back to the house. You know it is cold when a Lab rather be inside than outside. 
As for me, I have run up and down steps to keep the fire burning so it will be warmer in the house. After chores are done, I cover up with a warm red blanket downstairs by the fire and read . 
The Kitty Justice is I know how to act like a house cat when it is COLD and ICE covers the earth. 


Have to take instructions from the bears and hibernate a bit:)
Lee said…
It sounds like a generator is a necessity when you get weather like that. Brrrrr....snow should be kept to Christmas cards and postcards only!

Keep warm...take care. :)
Lady Di Tn said…
Rather act like one than look like one but if I keep eating my way through the winter I will be big as a bear/ Peace

I do not really mind snow but not as much as our northern neighbors have had but I am not happy with ice, sleet and freezing rain. Give me snow any day as I can get out and make snow angels. Peace
Oh Miz D---I feel for you all. We have been having cold but sunny Spring-like weather. Chilly but not near as cold as you have.
Think Spring!!
Lady Di Tn said…
My head hurts so much from wishing and thinking of Spring. It did not get above freezing today2-23, but we did have sun. Peace
Mary said…
Hi Di,

It's been a really cold winter here and this last week, snowy and windy. You couldn't see across the street late this afternoon. Try to stay safe and warm.

So many birds visiting our feeders. Cardinals, woodpeckers, juncos, nuthatches. A lovely show. I love to stand at the back door and watch them through the window.

Take care. So glad to touch base with you.

Blessings, Mary
Mary said…
Lady Di Tn said…
Glad to see you at KJ. Miss your wonderful writing about years gone bye. Thanks for dropping in and Peace

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