Moon Flowers
Since the plant started to bloom each night we look to see if we get to enjoy another one. Some times we have three or two. The bloom is as big as my hand and it has a nice light fragrance.
Both Prince and I are suffering from a summer cold. The worse is the headache. I forgot how bad they make you feel.
The Kitty Justice is I wish the cold lasted only a night just like the Moon Flower.
Both Prince and I are suffering from a summer cold. The worse is the headache. I forgot how bad they make you feel.
The Kitty Justice is I wish the cold lasted only a night just like the Moon Flower.
and thought why didn't I plant
Moon flowers on the trellis.
Maybe next year. Hope you are doing
fine, well and happy. yvonne
I am much much better and now it is mainly a cough. Hope I do not fall out somewhere like HC. Thanks and Peace
Each day I am a wee bit better. Only once have I failed to plant the Moon Flowers since my Aunt introduced me to them. Too me they are a grand gift nightly. We had three last night. Peace
Thanks and Prince thought it was a cold but I believe with the cutting of the field and Ragweed pollen being so high that it was a horrible Allergy attach. Peace
Touch wood...I've not had a cold in years and years. I hope you're all well again. Take care. :)
I hope your luck holds. I am now thinking it was Rag weed Hell and not a cold. Peace
Mr A
Thanks. We had five blooms to celebrate the Harvest Moon and last night we had two blooms. Aw the lake trip was Heaven on earth to me.Peace
Everyone I know that has had Plastic surgery never looks the same.
It changes that glint in the eyes.
The tiny cute wrinkle in the corner of the eye.
I am looking for moon flower seeds today, for Spring.
Moon flowers remind me of my childhood,
laying on the daybed in the back sun room They were
climbing all around the windows.The moon really lite them up.
Thanks for the Memories. Yvonne