August started out at 93 degrees and each day afterwards was 99 degrees or triple digits. Yesterday we broke the official record of 102 and posted a whooping 104. That was the official airport temperature. The temperature on the hill was 110.
I have now had to be the grim reaper and sentenced to death certain plants in the yard. Our area has not been put on any guidelines for water but it is coming if it keeps it up. The surrounding areas have already been subjected to how and when they can water. So, I figured I need to do my part before it gets to that point here.
I said my farewells to my snowball bush, two dogwood trees and some lambs ear. The plants in the backyard will have to be hardy for they will be ignored.
While I was watering the plants who have been given my grace, Maggie dug not one but five holes in the front yard. Dust was flying as if a wind storm had hit out front. She looked at me to say "Boy this is FUN!"
Prince put his Z71 in the shop and took the silver bullet to work and Puppy has his carpet for his dorm room in his ready to move in. This will be his second year of college. YIKES, we are getting old.
If Mimi and I need to head out for anything which I hope we do not have to in this heat but we have the trusty farm truck which Prince fixed this past weekend so we are not stranded on the hill.
The Kitty Justice is it was 80 degrees at 6am and it is to climb to 103 today. All I have to do to loose weigh is stand outside.


Merle said…
Hello Lady Di ~~ Sorry you are so
hot over there and hope you get some ccoler weather soon. Our water restrictions are tough at the moment and it;s Winter - we are not allowed
to water outside at all. I catch water in the shower and have a small tank out back to help a bit.
Thank you so much fro your very nice words on my blog. So nice of you Di
and I do appreciate your kindness.
Take care, Love, Merle.
Corn Dog said…
Wonderful pictures.

I have never seen the heat run on so long in your area. I hope it ends soon. Usually by now, you all are cooling off and yet day after day, it is miserable there. On the other hand, we have had really good weather here, not like last year. The light has changed out here. I noticed it yesterday. Fall is on its way. Hopefully it will bring some relief to you all.
Val said…
Thank you for the birthday wishes! I see you came over via Merle.

Love the snow photos, quite a few bloggers over there I see have been resorting to posting wintry photos so they might feel a bit cooler. Hope it cools off in real life soon!
Lady Di Tn said…
Hey everyone
We sat a record again yesterday 106 and today we are to reach 101 but will cool off to a so call low of 96 on Sat and Sun and they even put in a 20 to 30 per cent chance of rain. Please put us in your prayers that we are in the percentage area. We need to figure out how to get all that water in Texas here.
Lee said…
I've been hearing and reading about the heat you're experiencing at the moment, Lady Di. Our turn will come here all too soon no doubt.

Try to stay cool. :)

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