Lewis, Prince's father, marked with an "X" in the bird book kept in the kitchen drawer any bird that he had seen on the hill. In 1992, I was sitting at the kitchen table and along came this bird. I knew not what he was as I had never seen one before. I pulled out the bird book and located him and there was not an "X" by him so I proudly placed one and then the year.
So far each year this stately bird appears about this time. The longest they have ever stayed in a month. They stop by for a snack on their way to Canada from South America. The female looks like a female purple finch on steroids.
This year they appeared and for over a week we have been trying to take a picture. As soon as you get your camera out they fly away. I guess you can say they are camera shy.
They never fly straight to the feeder. First they land on the back side of the Holly tree and work their way around to the feeder. Usually they have a scout, who tests the area first and then the others will come down to feed. The year they stayed a month the weather was rather cool but as soon as it got hot, they were out of here.
Lewis never saw these beautiful birds but Noah kept his word to Lewis when he bought the land across the road. Lewis died in 1975, so he had sold the land to Noah years ago but in the last part of the twentieth century, Noah did as he promised. He built one house on the land he bought from Lewis. I bet when Noah met Lewis in Heaven, Lewis thanked him for being a man of his word.
The Kitty Justice that the pretty birds will be here only for a short time and that Noah kept his word even though Lewis had been gone a long time.
did very well getting the photos.
Thank you for your visit and comments
and also the e mails you send. Glad I can put a smile on your face. I agree it is easier to be kind and nice and much mor rewarding than to be mean.
Take care, dear friend, Love, Merle.
I always think of them as stately birds dressed in their tuxedos going out on a classical night on the town. Peace
Prince is the best photographer on the hill. He never hesitates to take lots of pictures knowing that one or two will be really good. I on the other hand take a only one or two Photos and then see if I have gotten anything worth keeping.Thanks for visiting. Peace
Thanks for visiting my blog and yes I did cross the blue suspension bridge. It bounces and sways and you have to cross the bridge to get to the trails. MB
Thanks as always for your visits to my blog and all your kind words. Yes, I do have a superb wife; she is the best!
A beautiful bird. I'm so glad that Prince was able to get some good shots of it. I have never seen one of these, but would love to. He is sooo handsome all dressed up in his feather finery.
What a treasure that book is with all those xs in it and now you are adding to it. A real keepsake.
Enjoyed my visit and are glad that you enjoyed the Disney safari photos.
Blessings for a great week.
Are yours Evening Grosbeaks, the yellow ones with bushy eyebrows. Before Prince and I were married one winter a flock came and stayed at the hill. Mimi said it just about broke the bank to feed them. Since we have been married only a few have showed up but not in the last ten years. Peace
Thanks. I was really happy to know I got to put the x by the bird. Nothing like seeing something for the first time.
Maybe someday you will get to see them since they are heading your way. I do not know which part of Canada they head for only that is where it says they are going.
Peace to all
PS The painter arrived today to do the prep work. Maybe I got my Mondays mixed up.
We got one here this week also
and hope they are making
Maybe you will be lucky and they will make a nest and hang around your place. Peace
I do think he rivals our Tow Hee. Peace