I would like to announce that the website is done and hopefully there are no bugs lurking about. The only bugs I like are the decorative ones as shown in the first photo.
Come visit me at www.kittyjustice.com
Y'all have a nice day.
The kitty justice is to remember if something goes wrong, will it really matter in a hundred years .
Abraham Lincoln
—Brookville Daily Photo.
Glad you had time to stop by. It has not rained here since. I guess to keep the water table up I need to order something and let DHL deliver.
Thanks. I think the site is darn near perfect.
Come back often and tell all your friends to visit.
I truly enjoy your blog and will be by as often as time permits.
Peace to Y'all
Just like saving "stuff." That's all it is...just "stuff." "Stuff" someone else will have to sort through and throw away someday. LOL
Nice to see you. When we both had to sort through our parents stuff, it puts a new perpective. Have a great weekend. Peace
Thanks for tellinz hoomin. Wishing yuz no catz fuzzies.
Glad to see you back on line and thanks for the good word.
Take care, my friend, Love Merle. Peace to you
Only kind of bug to have metal or alive. Peace
Thanks for the uplifting comments and I do try to take care of Mimi.