These are the clouds from a few days ago.

I had accidentally broken off my dill plant so I put it in my kitchen window beside my little statue of a lady holding a kitty and a little black lab statue . The lab statue looks like Maggie.

I thought the dill plant looks like green fireworks but in these photos they look black against the sky. I overdid this weekend when Prince and I put out sixty three cubic feet of mulch. With the hot weather of July and August coming, all my plants sighed a Thank You as I covered their feet.

With Puppy getting to adulthood and over doing physically, Ole Man D has darken my door for the last couple of days. Finally he left around mid day. It lifted like a fog as I sat outside in the beautiful weather yesterday having lunch with my buddies. It is fun to have old and new friends to share stories and laughter.

Another thing they made D appear is that I have not been sleeping good with having to awake and get Puppy's lunch and cooler ready for the day. I like getting up at five not earlier. I have been arising at three fifty five and that is too early even for this early bird.

I am also in the second stage of getting my web site up for the solo show which if you are new to kitty's page it is January 09. I am not savvy with computer skills or knowledge so my wonderful cousin has taken the task of being my developer. I am sorry but that term applied to me, brings and image of a out of focus Kitty and as she goes along I become crisp and colorful.

This month I must start putting the canvases in the frames, backing them and putting the wire to hang them on the back. I have six months left to get ready so I need to pace myself not to get overwhelmed.

The good news is that I have cut two cutting from my Lilliput zinnias and Mimi has enjoyed arranging them and then we sit little vases of them around to enjoy.

The Kitty Justice is this fuzzball has hit the ground with all four paws, in the attempt to keep Ole Man D away.


Marcel said…
You will win the battle over Old Mr. D. I’ll be interested to see you r web site when you get it up. There was a time when getting up at 3 in the morning would have been ok with me, but it would kill me now! This last year since I started partial retirement I’ve been sleeping into 6 and I’m liking it.

You comment on my blog today made me laugh. Keep up the humor and D will go away for good.
Mary said…
Lady Di,

Old Man D has visited me off and on since childhood. He is a tough cookie but I know you can win this battle and you're on the right track by keeping busy.

Oh, please do provide a link to your website once you have it up. It is going to be awesome.

Happy Independence Day to you and yours. Take some time to enjoy the celebrations.

Lady Di Tn said…
Well this three in the morning stuff is kicking me. I too once could read or party all night and then work the next day. Sometimes I would go for seventy two hours before I slept. He has tried to sneak up on me today but I smack him back around his nasty corner. My sister is always reminding me of my warped sense of humor. Glad you got a chuckle. Peace

After I had had to take care of Dad when he had his heart surgery, I asked for the little blue pills to help me get through it all. My Dr was surprised as I would always ask him "When can I stop taking this medicine?" I really think I got in the wrong line when God was handing out the Designator Caretaker Tags. Then I heard the other day that fifty two percent of type 2 diabetics suffer from Ole Man D so I am not the only one who has to keep him at bay. But I would like to know how he escapes his closet that I lock him in and then sneaks up on me to harass me.
I have looked for a logical answer but have found none. Such as I forgot my vitamins the last couple of cays.
I intend to invite all to my solo show and sky write my website. lol
Corn Dog said…
WOW! That dill plant is poetic. Sorry to hear about old man D. Tell him to scat. Don't worry about the 'puter stuff. So far so good. You are way ahead of the game. I am formulating some things in my head, what little there is left of my head and I will lay some stuff out tomorrow. BUt you can see basically how beautiful your art is going to look.

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