Puppy and Mr. Ken Fraley.
Note--Puppy has most of his weigh on the left leg. His right one is his bad one.

Close up of the Land Company in Spencer for Mary.
Thank all of you for your concern for Puppy. This is second hand info since Mama Bear did not talk to the doctors office. Puppy told me that the Dr. Assistant said his MRI did not show anything torn but it did show a protruding screw. He will start therapy next week and then see Dr. Elrod the second day of September.
After what we went through in 2004, I was very, very thankful for this news.
Mr. Fraley was Puppy's first employer. He has a home improvement business and does a really good job. I like him as he does the job right and he explains in detail what he will do. That is a plus, in this day and time. If you need something done, call him. I know I will.
Mr. Fraley is genuinely friendly and he loves telling stories of by gone days. He was a sniper in Vietnam and spent several years in the military helping to protect our freedom. Puppy was fully entertained as he worked.
I appreciate the guidance he gave my son. Thank you Ken.
As for other things, I have had Grandma's cleaning gene attack me from behind and I have been trying to get this glass house in order. I use to before two back surgeries do all the windows in one day. Now it takes a good month or more to accomplish the same task. I am pacing myself.
Can't afford to get down.
The kitty justice is Puppy had a good experience and is still standing. I can say the kitty justice for me is that I can still get the jobs done just takes a few more days than before.


Stacey Olson said…
so glad you are doing well, I think we all need to slow down sometimes, even if it is frustrating. Thank goodness Puppy didn't injure his leg more, hopefully it will be a quick fix... Have a wonderful weekend..
About Kylee and the Barrel race---I tried to upload a video and it wouldn't do it so I deleted that post. thanks for visiting anyway. I have tried about 4 times and now I get an 'error report', so off to support I go. Kylee did OK though. MB
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks Stacey and same to you. Peace

I sure hope you can get the video loaded as I would love to see it. Peace
Mary said…
Lady Di,

That you for the close up of the beautiful Land Office building. I certainly would enjoy seeing the inside as it was once long ago. I'm sure this was a house at one day, was it not?

I am praying for both Puppy and Tommy and I'm glad that Puppy got some good news.

I do think that if our youth were to be required to pay visits to long term care facilities that they would have more compassion for their fellow man.

Blessings, dear friend.
Merle said…
Dear Dianne ~~ So glad that Puppy's knee is not as awful as the last time. He was lucky to have a nice boss to start working for. I would like a good workman like Mr Fraley
but I think it's a bit far. LOL
I am glad you are able to clean your windows, that does get hard. The post
before this one was really good too with all the photos of Spencer.
Thanks for your comments my friend,
Take care, Peace and Love, Merle.
Jeanette said…
Hi Lady Di, Ive been a bit slow getting around when im home my eyes are glued to the television watching the Olympics..Im pleased Puppy hasnt done further damage to his knee. and wish him a speedy recovery,, love the photo of buildings in previous post..
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks for your prayers for both Puppy and Tommy. When I think about the smoke break, I see those two young men. I think their faces will haunt me forever. Peace

I am sure Ken would love a work vacation in the land down under. I went out this afternoon and stocked up on dog food and people food along with some catnip for Sam. I guess I will get back at it tommorrow. It will take at least three to four more weeks before I can finish. I am just happy I still can do it as I had an estimate and to clean all the windows inside and out was $400.00. Glad you liked Spencer. On the CBS Sunday Morning Show they left with shots of Falls Creek Falls State Park which is located in that county. Thanks for your wishes for Puppy. Peace

I am glad you liked Spencer. I like small towns with old buildings. I have been staying up way past my bedtime to watch the games. If they last much longer I may be a walking zombie. Peace

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