1963 photo of Grandma and Pa Christian. These are my Mother's parents and they both helped shape who I am today. Grandma had lots of sayings which we will visit one of them today.

This is what my Grandma would call a "What Not Shelf". Just like her, I have little photo and items that have meaning for me or the family. When I came into the family, it was filled with books which I thought was a real tragedy for a "what not shelf". Just like I told Puppy when he came home from preschool and asked, "What does it mean to marry?" A little girl was following him everywhere he went at school and she kept telling him that she was gonna marry him. This was my explanation. I told Puppy, that is when he goes through a ceremony and the girl would come live with him and move ALL his stuff around." I do not know what happen at school but after I told him that he must have told her he was not having her move in with him and move his stuff because I never heard about her after my explanation.
Anyway, I married Prince and have moved his stuff around . The books that once held court for many years are now on bookshelves and the items and photos now rein in their place.
Grandma loved her shelf and the items she placed on them, and so I love walking down the hall and seeing the shelf and the cherish items I have place on the shelves.
The Kitty Justice is I get a little dose of Grandma when I start down the hall.


I guess I got ahead of myself in my last comments. As you can see I was a day ahead of myself. Common practice.

I do like your Grandmothers What-not-shelf. Mementos belong on them, I think too. MB
Lilli & Nevada said…
How nice that you have all these great memories of grandma,and her what no shelf, yours is beautiful.
Forty Two East said…
Love the What not Shelf!!

It's great to visit fun memories.
Mary said…
Lady Di,

The "what-not" shelf is a real treasure. Grandma had one but I'm not sure what happened to it. So much was lost when they held the auction at the farm up north to move back here. I wish I had her piano.

Love all the items on the shelf. You've made it look very pretty.

I have to catch-up on a couple of posts, I think, so going to read previous ones.

Drop over to my Writing Nook if you have time and enter my book giveaway. All are welcome.

Lady Di Tn said…
Ahead. I sure would like to get ahead. This is not my Grandmas but Mimi's. Grandmas was destroy in the first house fire. Thanks for agreeing with me as books do not need to be on such a beautiful pc of furniture. Peace

I claim most of the momentos on the shelf but not the shelf. Peace

Glad to see you back. Yes memory lane is a fun place to visit. Peace

Thanks Mary. I enjoy moving Prince's stuff and his Mother's stuff around. I use to love to go to estate autions and then the last I attended, the elderly lady was walking around and loving touching the furniture so that was the last time. I found out her husband had died and she was having to sell her items as she was being moved into a assisted living home. That image is forever burned into my mind and I have not gone to a house and furnishing aution since. Peace

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