Puppy made in June this year as he was heading to the Rehearsal dinner of his friend.

Nephew Brian, Debbie's oldest son, and his bride, Nikki. She is the newest member of the family.
Brian with the bride maids and his little sis, Mary is the cute girl on the right end.

Prince's brother, Edward with his youngest, Albert.

Four generations. Mary Lewis, Mimi holding Ever and Will.

Lewis, Mary Lewis's youngest.

Will and Vanessa, Ever's parents.

Puppy with Gran Dot. Bill's Mother. Bill is Mimi's oldest nephew.

First table, Cousin Bill with his back to the camera, Edward to his left and Debbie then Nancy sitting beside Mimi and Mary Lewis in the turquoise with her back to you. Puppy leaning over to hear what was being said by Prince. Only the top of Albert's head above Mimi's and then Cousin Steve. Cousin Steve and Nancy owned the rock house next door for several years.

1973 photo of Pa and Grandma Christian with Juanita, Jean's daughter in between them.

My Mother, Vinia sitting in between her parents.

Puppy with his Pa, my father.

Samuel, Sam's youngest, Sam and Jean. I am the middle button with Jean being the oldest and Sam the youngest.

Kitty with Prince.
Family is the most important thing on this earth to me. I have learnt that you take the good with a happy face and the bad with a grain of salt. You choose your friends, what you wish to do and eat and choose what Church or religion is best for you but you do not choose family. You either have them already or you inherit them. Either way YOU DO NOT CHOOSE, YOU GET.
Family are like different foods, some are sweet, some are bitter, some are tough and some are softies. You try to deal with each as you would have them deal with you. However, sometimes you want to hug them and other times you are looking for the nearest cliff to push them off. You try to see their good qualities but sometimes their bad ones over shadow the good. They are also like fish some are salt water and some are fresh water. Some have smooth skins and the others scaly but after a week they all begin to stink and you are ready to help them pack their bags. As the ole saying goes, You are happy to see them come but even happier to see them leave. Their are some family members you love to claim as family and then others you hope no one will ever find out you happen to be kin. Now y'all know it is true no matter what part of the country you are located.
You learn from family what to do and what not to do by their actions and deeds.
The Kitty Justice is you would not be who you are without the family you have.


Mary said…
Lady Di,

A beautiful post. I always love seeing your photos. Some very nice treasures here.

You may use any of the postcards that you wish from my blog. Enjoy!

Going now to read the posts with the words I sent you. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said…
One thing about this post: Family. I think that is the fiber that holds us together. Way back when there were still shotgun marriages, and they happened here where I lived, the choice of relatives was restricted to natural and not. The nots were always in question and some relatives caused hard feelings and child support that left the uncles too poor to marry.

I do like all the pictures and I noticed the name "Vinia" and I think it is the first time I have ever seen it.

Since I saw that I thought you might like to know my mother's name.
It was "Vivia." She was from West Virginia. I never heard the name since I heard it was my mom's name.
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks and I will copy and paste the card. Glad you enjoy my photos. Peace

How very interesting that our Moms had such unusual names. My Mother was named after Aunt on her fathers side of the family and then my sister, Jean first name is Vinia. These are the only Vinia I have ever heard of and your Mother is the only Vivia.
I loved the way you described restricted to natural and not. lol
Thanks for sharing and I am glad you enjoyed the photos of my clan. Peace
Small City Scenes said…
FAMILY! What a great word. And boy o boy you said it all.. Amen!! MB
Merle said…
Dear Dianne ~~ I so enjoyed seeing
and reading about your family. And I do agree that family is VERY important to us all. And I loved seeing some of your paintings and
reading about your studies. Great post, my friend. I also love the Fall pic on your header - it's lovely And the photo of you and Prince is really lovely. You both look great.
Glad you enjoyed the poem and as
Martha Stewart would say. "That's a good thing that God doesn't always give us what we want."
Glad you liked the Ohio State joke.
Take great care, Love, Merle.Peace.
Maria said…
Lady Di,
it's wonderful what you say about family!
I also love your paintings!
Take care!
Lady Di Tn said…
Yep! I did. Peace

You are so kind. The header is looking down our driveway and the photo was taken last year. The leaves are just beginning to show just a dab of color. Peace

Thank you. Peace

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