Four Generations. Cousin Bill known as Grandaddy Bill to Gracie, his daughter, Dot, Mimi and Gracie peeking out from behind Mimi.
Gracie and her parents live in Ft. Worth and came up for a short visit. Saturday evening I fixed baked spaghetti, a green salad, a fruit salad and french bread sliced in rounds with spices.
Cousin Bill supplied the ice cream, and cupcakes (Gracie's favorite) and a few bottles of wine along with the bread.
I served cheese straws and seedless red grapes before dinner.
It was Gracie's first time on the hill and we hope we made it a time to remember.
Maggie's noses is getting much better which I am very thankful.
I thought I would not have any holly berries left because when I arose Saturday morning and took Maggie out for her morning walk, I heard all this commotion in the holly tree out front and it was full of cedar wax wings. However, they only ate those berries out front and this morning they were gone . Usually those funny little birds stay until all the berries are gone.
The kitty justice is we enjoyed Gracie and her folks and the cedar wax wings forgot about the holly berries in the trees out in the back yard.
Such nice photos. I'm glad that you are enjoying your visitors. It's always nice to have family visit.
Oh, poor Maggie. I'm happy to hear that her nose is getting much better. Dakota was sick last week and we had to take him to the vet for meds and an injection. He recuperated very nicely. We have no idea what was causing his stomach upset and inflammed intestines. I suspect he too got into something he shouldn't have.
Wishing you a great week.
I love the Cedar Waxwings. We used to have Western Mountain Ash and the birds loved the berries in the Fall. They would start at the top and in a day and a half would have finished a tree. Great fun to watch.
The B&W pic in the lower left is Kylee standing on a horse.
The garden where mother lives is used by all home owners including the Deer. LOL
As soon as my friend returns from California we are going to hop on the train and go somewhere--anywhere.
Sounds like you are having lotsa folks for Turkey dinner. My Mother wants me to come over to her house and eat with her so everyone here can fend for themselves.
Last year, my D'Ora nosed after a viper and was bitten.
The vet said the bite was dangerous, but luckily the viper must have eaten lately and did not have the maximum of her poison available when she bit my doggy.
After a week, D'Ora was healthy again. But her head was badly swollen after the bite. I think you read the story on my blog.
We did have fun. The little family is back in TX. Glad to hear Dakota is better.
Wishing you a wonderful week also. Peace
Thanks. So far the cedar wax wings have gone on to where ever they go and just stopped for a snack. Maybe the other flocks will wait until after Christmas to eat all the other holly berries.
Wow a train trip with a buddy. How much more fun can you have? Can you tell I am a little envious.
You are very lucky to have your Mother wanting you to come for Thanksgiving. Have a good one Peace
Thanks for the well wishes for Maggie. I do not know what stung her but it got the best of her nose and head. I hope the hair comes back as she is a black lab with a white nose now.
I remember when Dora was sick and it is rather scary to see ones Puddy dog suffer. Have a good week Peace