These plants are outside of the garage on the right as you begin a brick (not the yellow brick road) path to Puppy's cabin. The purple spikes are new and are called Blazing Stars. I ordered them and several other bulbs and plants from a nursery that I had never ordered from before. Everything they sent either died or was on it's last leg when it arrived. Everything you buy from them is guaranteed a year and if you send back the original mailing label they will replace them. We shall see.

I sent back my labels (the order was made in two shipments) on 7-20-2010.

I have ordered from other catalog companies and have been rather please with the products and customer service and now I have to deal with products that were not good so now I wonder what the customer service will be like.

There are plenty of good garden places right here and one is within a mile from us. I became( as we in the south say) "done out with them" when I bought an expensive knock out rose bush and it died within a years time. I asked about a replacement plant and was curtly told if they plant them, they will replace them but would not replace anything I planted myself as I probably did it incorrectly. Not been back since. No matter how good a garden shop happens to be, if they have poor customer service, well I want come back.

The kitty justice is to know their return policies, guarantee policies and quality of products before you hand over the hard earned dollar.


Yes it is all about custormer dervice and there are a lot of companys out there that need to reinforce that.
I am very careful about my hard earned dollar.
I find that looking at catalogs is fun but I seldom order out of them. MB
Lady Di Tn said…
I think I will take a page from your book. Look but do not buy. Peace
Merle said…
Hi Dianne ~~ I hope you get good customer service at the nursery you
bought the plants from. The heat has been bad for you, and the sunrises lovely despite the fog.
What does "Bush hog" the fields mean?
I am glad you liked the joke about the Kitties. And it is always nice to see family. I like your Brazilian butterfly plant. Very nice.
Take good care my friend. Is your ankle back to normal now?
Love, Merle.
Lady Di Tn said…
Have not heard from the nursery yet. Since it was a catalog, I will wait for 3 wks. Then send a second request. Bush hog is a flat mower that is pulled by a tractor to cut fields. Some mower even have wings on each side so they can mow more ground and fold up when they need to go around items. y'all probably have a different term. It was my toe and the nail is coming off and where it is still attached it is very sore. I can abide shoes for a short term now. Thanks and Peace

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