After the Thanksgiving holidays. I wish yawl a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Please remember to give Thanks for our soldiers. Ft. Campbell has lost 12 soldiers in the last month. That means 12 tables will have an empty seat this Thanksgiving therefore, be thankful if all your seats at the Thanksgiving table are full. The kitty justice is that we should at all times and all places give thanks to God .
What ever you are doing make it wonderful.
Happy Thanksgiving too. MB
I will be back but lots to do for the holidays. Thanks and the same to you. Peace.
After writing this post, that evening on the news it was stated that the death toll for the month was 17 Ft. Campbell Soldiers.
Peace be with their families.
I will pray for the soldier's families. It's very difficult to have an empty place at the Thanksgiving table.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Drop over to my Writing Nook to find out what I've been up to.
Glad to hear from you. I will check out your blog soon. Peace