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As I was water plants a couple of weeks ago, I noticed the buds on our Christmas Cactus. It never blooms a Christmas but I should rename it as our Thanksgiving Cactus. But, when that day comes, I bet all the blooms will have fallen off so maybe, I should call her an In Between Cactus. No matter when it blooms it sure is pretty to me. Each spring I put her out front in the corner and then clean her up and put her in the den in the fall. When she starts to bud, she gets to come upstairs and make the entrance a happy place. The kitty justice is she is just my choice of COLOR.
I took my Mother to the doctor last week and in the waiting room was a huge plant in full hot pink bloom---another in-between one. MB
Glad mine is not the only in between one. Peace and Thanks.
Thanks and Peace
lovely one, whenever it blooms. I
have a couple of pink ones and an apricot one. Love yours.
Glad you enjoyed the jokes etc on my post. I loved God and Lawn Care story
Take great care my friend, Love, Merle.
Thanks. Love to see photos of yours in bloom. I need to print that story about the lawn and hand it out to folks. Peace