What you feel?

 First time I have painted my toenails this year. When my nails either toes or fingers are not painted I feel I am half dress. During the winter the toe nails are not as important to paint because I wear boots and close toed shoes. I dread the day I will have to venture out to have them done and truly thankful that I can still paint them. So I feel happy when my nails are painted.
 My little Japanese Iris  have started to bloom. I think most will have to be dug up and replanted in shadier areas. Prince did some major limb cutting on the Holly Trees so more light and sun getting to these little plants. I dread the digging and feel it will play a large number on this 7th decade body. Oh well I will be like Scarlet and think about that tomorrow. But I am angry that Gone With The Wind is getting such a bad rap. A timeless classic is now consider racist. What a crock? 
 I love geraniums both the blooms and the smell. I plant them below the hooks where I put out Hummingbird feed. They comfort me with the red color and draw those sweet little feathered friends to the porch. However I am angry at the "excuse"  protest of the man who was wrongly killed by a rogue policeman. Now all the policemen are feeling the pain of that rogue cop. Most of them are hard working who do a job that most of us would not do. A civilize society must have law and order . So why are these idiots asking to defund the police? 
 I do not apologise I am a gun packing southern woman. Now those who hate southern history are trying to erase us from the face of the country. Those who think it was about slavery should dig into the history books to find out it was about money. Yep the root of all evil but it sounds better if you say it is about slavery. It gets more press and sympathy. Most southern did not own slaves and think about it WOULD YOU NOT DEFEND YOUR HOME IF IT WAS INVADED? If you every read about Robert E Lee you would know he was an honorable man but look how the people of his beloved Virginia have treated his statue. Now they want to destroy it. I feel sad and angry as an artist for the the person who created the statue and erected the monument. We as a people should NOT GIVE in to mob justice or what the mob thinks is justice. I feel very sad that those who DO NOT KNOW HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT. 
This is Cousin Bill down in Alabama bird hunting. It was a yearly trip until 2019.He came up with a cute saying when the guys at the camp were fooling around after dinner. He announced from the bedroom door that he was "Gonna go make a sheet  sandwich". So now we do not say we are going to bed but "Gonna go make a sheet sandwich" He was the one person in the family I could rely on besides my boys on the Hill. He was fun to be around because he had endless stories from his youth, hunting, work and family. He was in charge of the Hurt reunion in 2005 and 2010. So yes he was a family historian too. He was the relative who would keep in touch with all sides of the family. Kind of like the family glue. He produced lots of historian pictures and shared lineage that we would not have had  if it had not been for him. He was 85 before he every had to darken the doors of a hospital. Pretty darn good record.  In the last six months, he has fallen several times but broken not one bone but he was banged up pretty good. He has been in 3 different hospitals and rehab twice.  Last week he  moved to assisted living. He has therapy twice a week and I pray he will become stronger. If you can please add him to your prayers as I believe in the power of prayer. He finally got his phone number transferred to his new place and maybe we will get to hear his kind voice soon. Also, the lock down on such places with be lifted soon and we can visit with him 

The Kitty Justice is you do not know what is gonna happen to make waves of emotions flow over you. Some you can wade into and others just knock you down.  


Your nails look very nice. I use to get my nails done but with the virus have just kept them trimmed and am fine with it. It is a very sad time in our country right now and hard to understand but like you, I believe in prayer.
Lee said…
Wonderfully expressed, Miss Kitty! As now doubt you are already aware...you and I are in accord with many aspects of life.

There are too many idiots out there - throughout the world...idiots who have their heads in the sand...following the herd. If asked about the past..about history 99% of them wouldn't have a clue. They've not a clue about the past, present, or the future!

The tearing down of statues...the defacing of statues is ignorance personified.

I shudder at the thought of the children of those who are violently protesting and looting. They don't stand a chance!

Thank you for this post...take good care...stay safe.
Lady Di Tn said…
Thanks. We as a country should never have taken God out of so many things and maybe now life would have been better. Maybe he will be brought back to all the places he was kicked out of. Peace

Yes we are birds of a feather, The saying You cannot fix stupid is so accurate in today's society. The State Troopers (Police) have been called down to the Capital To guard the Plaza in front of it. Time and money spent to guard the place from Idiots.

Yes you are very correct most of the so called protestors(rioter) if asked historical questions they would most certainly fail to answer them correctly. I often think of Jay Leno when he would go out and ask people on the street questions and 99 percent were complete Idiots.

Our schools have been Dumbed down and thinks that should be taught are not and those that should nt be taught are on the program.

off the soapbox because no one is really listening.

Nice post.
I painted my nails too. I don't wear sandals very of ten but do have a pair I like. My daughter told me if I wear sandals I MUST wear polish too.

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