I do not know the name of this plant. We just call it "Harriett's plant". Harriett was one of Mimi's long time friends who is no longer with us. We miss her as she was a true southern jewel.
The stand is really what this post is about. I found the base several weeks ago on one of my trips to the thrift shop. Then I started looking for a top. Would you believe this is a plate which was on the clearance rack at Wally world. Wally world is in the mist of a big change over of its displays and it is like a maze to go in and find anything but I was on a mission not to find a top but to get some JointFleX. I always check clearance racks just in case I can find something useful and this time it paid off. I glued the plate securely on the base and let it dry for a day and walla a new plant stand. Now for the JointFleX. You can get it for 6 dollars cheaper than you can get it at Walgreens at Walmart.(Those of you who know the kitty, knows this is NOT MY FAVORITE STORE) Also if you go to www.jointflex.com you can get a two dollar coupon. Put a little of the joint flex on and you are pain free and good to GO. The kitty justice is you never know what neat thing you can make out of items unless you try. Also, if you hurt it is not my fault as you have been given a way to eliminate the pain.
That is a lovely stand you made for the plant. Very nice.
Hope you and your family have a terrific 4th. of July.
Our neighbor at the lake told me about the JointFleX as he had had back surgeries and his wife rubs it on his back in the morning and he is ready to go. Since I have also had back surgeries and tried everything, I was leary at first but after I used it I am SOLD on the relief it gives. Be sure to go to the website and get your coupon. Thanks and I wish your family the same for our National holiday. Peace
I will see if Joint-flex here as it
sound great. Happy Independence Day.
I have a cousin on the 4th July. He
will be 82 and we used to have an
Uncle Sam. Thanks for your comments
and I am glad enjoyed the jokes.
And I am so glad you got a cool change after the hot days. Take care
my friend, Love, Merle
Glad you are having some company on the 4th. Hope you can find the JointFleX. Thanks and Peace
Thanks and sometimes you just have to double dip when no one is looking. Peace
Try it and it might just help alittle. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I really wish I had know about it sooner. Peace