My balloon flowers are just about played out. I have diligently watered them since we had the hottest June on record since 1952. The average high for 1952 was 84 degrees, and 2010 average high was 80. We had 3 weeks in the high nineties. Feeling more like July than June.
When Maggie and I went out this morning, it was in the sixties and a light breeze was blowing. Ah, it felt like I had been delivered to Heaven. I just stood outside and enjoyed the sounds and feel of this pleasant morning.
As you can tell by the photo we have not had any rain on the hill except for a few teasing showers that do not wet the ground under the plants. So as I was walking around on the crunching grass, I had the feeling that June and July were reversed. The weather folks warn we will only have a few days of this type of weather and then the HEAT will return probably with a vengeance.
After the May 2ND flood, I did not think I would wish for rain but now as we are parched and dry, I would be happy to see rain in our forecast.
I took my cup of coffee out on the porch and sat watching the sun rise and listening to the chirping of the hummingbirds as they had their morning breakfast on us . I said a little prayer of "thankfulness."
The kitty justice is it has been a long time since I could enjoy such a morning.
The weather everywhere is just weird: heat, floods, humidity, you name it.
I like the last paragraph of your post with the fine description of a pastoral morning with coffee on the porch, sunrise , chirping of birds.
I think she is precious too and she is the smartest dog we have ever had. Wow, I am glad I am here and you there with that 111 degrees. Whew. Peace
Maggie keeps her shiny coat by eating lots of fruit with Mimi. She amazes me when she brings up those extra papers. Glad you enjoy my prose. Peace
We have rain every morning and occasionally during the day--EVERY DAY--Great for my plants and containers and it never had gotten warmer than 77---but I'm not comp;aining---perfect weather for me. MB
Oh how I wish we had just a little of your rain. I have got to go out and water my beds but at least it is much cooler than it has been and I need to enjoy it because the weather folks have said we would back in the nintes and the awful hots by next Tuesday. Thanks be for the gifts God has given us for a few days. Peace