When we were cleaning out the old Mayes house on the farm, Prince found this old sewing machine up in the attic. It was dusty beyond compare and the wood was falling off and the rust was unbelievable but he knew I would see the beauty in it.
He brought it up to the house and I removed the wood and took off the old machine and took the pressure washer to remove the mountains of dust and dirty dobbers nest. I finally got it spray painted and moved to it's new place of respect.
The kitty justice is no matter how old or rusty a piece has become someone can see the beauty and usefulness.
You sure did a good job cleaning the old one up.
Thanks and yes there is. Peace
Thanks. Wonder what happen to that old machine. It might be someone's yard art now. If I remember correctly the first electric machine did not have foot pedals but you used your knee to run the knee pedal. Peace
And look hoe the new table fits right in with the chairs.
I liked the knee press machine much better that the foot press I have now. MB
Prince said it looked as if it had been there all along. I thought when I saw the rusty worn out machine that it would be perfect and it was. Peace
I like the bricks, the plant pots, and especially the table (the old sewing machine)with the four chairs.
I completely agree with your ' no matter how old or rusty a piece has become someone can see the beauty and usefulness".
Thanks. Now if I had some cushions for those chairs, I would invite you to come sit and have a cup of tea.
Growing up poor, I have that ingrain tendency to look for the usefulness of things that others throw away. Also, that creative side of me comes up with a few good ideas. Peace
Thanks but it is not a singer. It is a werthan wilson. I will go check the emblem to make sure. Peace
I was half correct. The sewing machine is a Wheeler Wilson and manufactored in Bridgeport, Conn. USA. I think I'll google them. Peace
Thanks. Seems like most of us can remember those machines being in use. Peace