Several plants like these stand outside the front door or our neighbor, Mrs. Jackson and every time I would visit I would admire them. I thought they were purple shamrocks. Upon one of my visit, I finally remarked how much I liked them and Mrs. J immediately got a trowel and dug me up a few.
I did not plant them outside but in a pot so I could enjoy them year round. When they get hot, the fold up like little purple tee pees.
Only recently have I found them in a book and the plant is called "Brazilian Butterfly". I thought this a rather odd name until I saw the shape of the butterfly in the folds. It also has a sweet little flower .
I hope you are well. Drop over to my Writing Nook when you get a chance. I have some new posts.
Love the photos in the post below.
Thanks and Peace.
It is cool how it reflects the name. Peace
Thank you for your kind words. Peace
Glad to see you back and hope this means healthy improvements in your world. Peace