It was reading 100.6 on our thermometer at the house when Prince headed down the hill to finish the field near the shooting range. He said there was a breeze in the hollow down by the pond. This statement was made as he ate his lunch on his return from starting to bush hog the field.
As you can see the windmill on the hill is not turning as he mows the path to the barn. He has told me over and over he does not get hot since he was born during the heatwave of the fifties. The hottest summer on record was when he was born and there was not any air conditioning at that time. Since we do not have animals to contain now, we plan to remove the fence this fall. Yeah, no more fence row to clear.
As you can see the windmill on the hill is not turning as he mows the path to the barn. He has told me over and over he does not get hot since he was born during the heatwave of the fifties. The hottest summer on record was when he was born and there was not any air conditioning at that time. Since we do not have animals to contain now, we plan to remove the fence this fall. Yeah, no more fence row to clear.
Puppy and his friends are cooking out tonight at the cabin and plan to go shoot a few targets before they eat. That being the reason for Prince's reason to get the field completely bush hogged.
The kitty justice is that Prince will always go the extra distance for Puppy.
We were suppose to get a chance of rain today and tomorrow but so far nothing has happen. It was 99 while Prince was watching Nascar and he said he wanted to go finish the field , I pointed to the temp and said it is not hot enough yet. Sounds like a busy day out west. Peace
Sounds like our temps are about the same. Last night Monday we finally got a good rain. I watered the plants early yesterday morning because when they say chance of rain, the hill usually does not get any. We watch it rain all around town. Take care and keep cool. Peace